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Нет дЫма без огнЯ // ЛюбЫе слУ'хи имеют какбе-то основание.

ТЬаt Walter Nazing and Marjorie Ferrar had flown to Paris appeared to Ыm of next to no importance. People could still fly in couples with impunity; and as to what had happened afterwards in the great rabЬit-warren Outre Manche-Pff! Тhе

Вertie Curfew affair was different. Smoke of а year's duration had fire Ьelliвd it. ( Galsworthy) "You don't think there's any truth in her pemicious gabЬle, do you?" "I don't know. Smoke апd rn, you know. Why shouldn't it Ье true?" (Aldington)

Sala looked away and Parrish thought with а little stab that he knew the truth and wondered who had told blm or how he had learned it. "Don't worry about Edgar," he said. "Не's aU smoke and no fire." (Savage)